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Anne Arundel Community College is committed to providing a safe and secure educational environment. The college complies with all local, state and federal laws related to drug and alcohol use.  

Employees, contractors, business invitees, visitors and students shall not unlawfully possess, sell, use, purchase, manufacture, give away or otherwise distribute, or be under the influence of, controlled substances or illegal drugs when on college property or when participating in college activities off-campus, including but not limited to, internships, externships and clinical experiences. Cannabis or marijuana possessed or used for medicinal purposes is prohibited when on college property or when participating in college activities off-campus.

Use of alcohol while on college property, attending a college-sponsored, off-campus event, or while serving as a representative of the college at an off-campus meeting is strictly prohibited. An exception for alcohol use may be made when such use is approved for a college-sponsored event or activity, including any course for which the consumption of alcohol is part of the course content for participants 21 years of age or older.

College employees and students are subject to appropriate disciplinary action for violation of this policy, in accordance with college policies and procedures regarding employee discipline and discharge and in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct. Further, the college reserves the right to notify the appropriate agencies of the U.S. government, Maryland, and county and/or city governments for investigation and, if warranted, prosecution.

The board of trustees hereby authorizes the president (or designee) to develop, maintain and keep current appropriate procedures to implement and enforce this policy.

Policy Title: Drug and Alcohol Prohibitions Policy  

Policy Category: General

Policy Owner: Vice President for Learner Support Services

Policy Administrator: Dean, Student Development

Contact Information: Deneen Dangerfield;; 410-777-2830

Approval Date: Feb. 23, 2021

Effective Date: Feb. 23, 2021

History: Adopted on May 10, 1994; revised May 11, 2010; Feb. 23, 2021

Applies to: All faculty, staff, students, and visitors

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures: N/A